Professional Background
Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor (2024) Pepperdine University, MA in Clinical Psychology (2023) University of California, Los Angeles, BA in Psychology (2020)
Treatment Areas
Depression Anxiety/Stress Adults and Older Adults PTSD and Complex PTSD/Trauma Life Adjustment Difficulties Immigrants Mental health and wellbeing
Treatment Methods
Solution Focused Client-Focused Psychodynamic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Motivational Interviewing
About Me
I am Tiffany Liao, registered as an Associate Professional Clinical Counselor, working under the license and supervision of G. Gaby Pena, LMFT (Lic#112939). I have been in the mental health field since 2020. It is essential to find a fitting therapist, much like finding suitable clothes; it will make you feel just right. I work with clients who find my approach helpful. I am more experienced in working with adults and older adults and am very client-centered. I wish to accompany you on your healing journey, no matter what it looks like. I promote mental health wellbeing, quality of life, and independent functioning in daily tasks through the development of skills, a sense of self, nurturing healthy relationships, and fostering a support system. If you’d like to make an appointment or have any questions, please click on the Make an Appointment or Contact Us tabs below.
中文: 我叫 Tiffany Liao,是一名實習中的臨床心理師,在 G. Gaby Pena LMFT(Lic#112939)的執照與監督下實習。從2020年開始累積心理健康服務相關經 驗,發覺找諮商師很重要好比找適合的衣服穿,穿到合身的就會感覺舒適跟表現自 信。我服務的主要對象是成人及老年人,同時也善用個人中心治療。透過找尋與建 造內在資源、建構良好人際關係、與適應生活的方法來提升心理健康與好的生活品 質。找我聊聊。 如您想預約或其他問題,請點選下方Make an Appointment 或 Contact Us。